Session Bulk Sign-off

This article will explain how to Sign-off on Sessions in bulk.

1) Select the Session Tab from the top menu.

2) Select one of the list views (It doesn't matter which view you select)

3) Hit the GO button

1) Next select the Sign-off button (do not check off any sessions beforehand)

This will open the Bulk Sign-off Screen

1) Select the filters that you would like to apply.  

  • Student - if you only want to see a specific Student's sessions only
  • Status - Used to filter sessions in a specific status (Ready for Review)
  • Therapist - Used if you only want to sessions from a specific Therapist
  • Billing Provider - Used if you only want to see sessions from a specific Billing Provider
  • Funding Type -  Used if you want to see only a specific Funding Type (Insurance are the type that go to Kareo through the interface)
  • Funding Source - Used if you only want to see a specific payer/insurance provider
  • Appointment Location - Used if you only want to see sessions from a specific location.
  • Appointment type - Used if you only want to see a specific appointment type
  • Session Start and End Date -  Use this if you only want to see sessions from a specific date range.
  • Zero Student Rep Approvals - This will display any sessions that do NOT have a Student Rep signature added.
  • Zero Therapist Approvals - This will display any sessions that do NOT have a Therapist signature added.
  • Exclude Today's Printed Sessions - This will exclude any sessions from that day.

Once you have  the necessary filters added, please select the Load Sessions button up top.  (Note: You can save your current filters as the Default by using the Save as Default button up near the top.  The next time you open this screen those filters will already be set for you.)

The list of possible sessions will populate below.  Any errors found while scrubbing the session will display in red text on the right-hand side.  You can open that individual session to fix the errors by selecting the edit button on the left-hand side.  This will open that session into the edit mode in a new browser window.  Once you fix the errors, you can close that browser tab to return to the list.  You will need to refresh the page to see the errors go away.  

Once you are ready to do the final sign-off, check off up to 250 of them at a time, and select the Bulk Sign-off button up near the top.  Within a couple minutes, you should now see the superbills over in Kareo to submit on to the various payers.