
A set of default tabs is displayed at the top of the application (item 1). Clicking on any of these tabs opens up the recently viewed items for that section, along with the option to utilize a view (see Navigation – View Pages). Other tabs that are not displayed at the top may be accessed by clicking on the symbol at the far right of the tabs (item 2). This also gives you the option to customize which tabs are displayed and how they are ordered (click on the Customize My Tabs button). For example, you may want to add Sessions to the displayed tabs. 

The most recent items you have accessed will always be displayed on the left side of the application (item 3). Click any of the records to open them. 

Once you click on a tab, the recent items you have viewed for that section are displayed. You can change this to recently created or recently modified by clicking on the drop down on the upper right of the list (item 4). You can create a new item for the section by clicking the New button above the list (item 5). 

To access all records in a view for a given tab, select the desired view then click the Go! Button (item 6). Remember, when you first access a tab, only the recently viewed items are displayed. 

TotalABA enables searching across all records in the application. Simply enter the search value then click the Search button at the top of the application (item 7). 

You can change your password, email address, personal information, etc. by clicking on your name in the upper right of the application (item 8). Choose Setup to go to your personal setup page where you are presented with the various available options. 

The Custom Links (item 9) in the sidebar contains the Support and Settings links. Support contains various information including links to our online training, release notes, contact information, etc. Settings allows for customization of different sections within TotalABA. 

The sidebar can be expanded/collapsed via the arrows at the top/bottom of the sidebar (item 10).