Total Therapy HelpdeskKnowledge Base & FAQUser ManagementHow do I reset the password for a user

How do I reset the password for a user

If a user is having trouble logging in to TotalABA (forgot their password, never received the activation email), you can send them a reset password link by opening their user record and clicking the Reset Password button at the top of the form.

 If you just change the email for an existing user, they will be required to verify the new email via an automated link before the change takes effect. If the user has never logged in to TotalABA you can also check the Generate new password and notify user immediately option at the bottom of the user form when changing the email to bypass the verification.

How do I know when a user has logged into TotalABA?

On the user record and in the active users list there is a Last Login field that indicates the last date/time the user logged into TotalABA. If this value is blank, it indicates that the user has never logged in. You can also go to the Login History section on the individual user record to view more details.