Fields in Sessions

See the sessions training videos at for further information. The fields in the clinical information section of the session (activity, progress and impressions) may be customized for your practice. Please contact us for further details. Below are the fields on the session.

Session Date

This corresponds to the date of the appointment and cannot be changed.

Time In

This will default to the Start Time on the appointment, but it may be changed if necessary.

Time Out

This will default to the End Time on the appointment (Start Time plus Duration), but

it may be changed if necessary. The combination of Time In plus Time Out directly affects the number of Billable Minutes and Units on the session.

Billable Minutes

This field is calculated based on the duration between the Time In/Out and

the number of Non-Billable Minutes (duration of time in/out minus number of non-billable minutes). It used to calculate the number of Units for procedures with a Minutes per Unit value.

Non-Billable Minutes

This is used to define how many minutes of the session should not be

billed. It will default to zero for new sessions. Changing this value will update the number of Billable Minutes. For example, if a session was for an hour, but the student slept through 15 minutes of that session, you may want to set the non-billable minutes to 15. This will make the Billable Minutes equal to 45.


This is the therapist assigned to the session and defaults to the Assigned To from the appointment.


This is the intervention method used on the session and may be required to sign-off on a session depending on your practice settings.


This is the observation and monitor results. It may be required to sign-off on a session depending on your practice settings.


This is the explanation and recommendations. It may be required to sign-off on a session depending on your practice settings.

Therapist Commets

This should be used by the therapist to add any pertinent comments regarding the session.

Administration Comments

This should be used by the BCBA/administrator to add any necessary comments regarding the session. It is commonly used to explain why a session status was changed to Incomplete.


If checked, indicates that the session should not be billed or sent to the insurance. This allows the practice to record documentation for the student even though the time spent is not billable (e.g. the student was sleeping for the entire session). However, the session may still be signed-off. If a session is flagged as non-billable then the following will occur.

o The Non-Billable Minutes are set to the session duration and the Billable Minutes are set to zero.

o Send Billing Message is unchecked and disabled. This means the session will never be sent to the billing company.

o A procedure code and units are not required to sign-off on the session.

o The Funding Type and Contract are not required to sign-off on the session.

o The Billing Provider is not required to sign-off on the session.

o A Diagnosis Code is not required to sign-off on the session.

o Non-Billable sessions will not be linked to other sessions during sign-off

Funding Type

This represents the type of entity that will be paying for the student’s session. If the funding type is changed, then the contract is cleared. The funding type is initially set on a new session based on the following priority:

o If a contract is selected, then the funding type (and source) is automatically derived from the contract.

o If a Default Funding Type is selected on the student record, then it is used on the session.

o Set to Insurance if the student has one or more active contracts with an insurance funding source.


This represents the contract the practice has with the funding source for the student to pay for the session. If your practice is integrated with LeonardoMD Renaissance and the funding type is set to insurance, then a contract cannot be selected and will be left blank (this will be handled in Renaissance). Otherwise, make the selection from the available, active contracts. The contract is initially set on a new session based on the following priority:

o If the associated appointment has an authorization, then the contract from that

authorization is used.

o If a Default Contract is selected on the student record, then it is used on the session.

o If the student only has one active contract, then this contract is used on the session.

Send Billing Message

This only applies to practices that are integrated with LeonardoMD Renaissance. If checked, the session will be automatically sent to Renaissance in order to bill the insurance once a session is completed. It should be unchecked for funding sources other than insurance or if the insurance should not be automatically billed. If a contract is selected, then value from Send Billing Message on the corresponding funding source will be used.


This indicates the current status of the session. All new sessions are set to In Progress.

The therapist should set it to Ready for Review when it should be passed onto a BCBA/administrator. It should be set to Incomplete if information is missing or unfinished. It is automatically set to Complete once the session has been signed-off.

Billing Message Status

This only applies to practices integrated with LeonardoMD Renaissance. This indicates the current state of the automatic billing message that is sent to Renaissance. Once it has been completed, it will be automatically set to Generated.

Billing Provider

Select the billing provider that should be used on the session and submitted to the insurance. Only associated people that are flagged as a Billing Provider will be listed as a valid option. If the billing provider is set on the student record, then this field will automatically default to that value when the session is created. It is required to sign-off on a session. If your practices uses MRC, then they will be responsible for maintaining the list of billing providers

Sign-off User

This is the name of the user that signed-off on the session and is read-only.

Sign-off Date

This is the date/time when the session was signed-off and is read-only.


Once a session has been signed-off, a link to the resulting superbill will be displayed.

Please see the Session Sign-Off and Superbills section below for further details

Diagnosis Code 1

This is the primary diagnosis code for the session. If the student has diagnoses listed, then it will default to the first one. At least one diagnosis code is required to sign-off on a session. If the staff member record for the selected therapist has one or more code groups applied, then the session cannot be signed off unless the diagnosis code matches a code in the code group(s).

Diagnosis Code 2

If necessary, select the second diagnosis code for the session.

Diagnosis Code 3

If necessary, select the third diagnosis code for the session.

Diagnosis Code 4

If necessary, select the fourth diagnosis code for the session.

Auto-Calculate Units/Duration

If checked, the duration, units and unreimbursed minutes are all automatically calculated for each procedure based on the billable minutes of the session and the settings for the procedure code. You may uncheck this field if you wish to manually enter the duration and units for each procedure.

Unreimbursed Minutes

This indicates how many billable minutes from the session have not been used by the procedure(s) in the calculation of the units. This typically has a value if the procedure requires more minutes to calculate units then are available on the session. For example, if the procedure is for 30 minutes per unit and the session has 44 billable minutes, then 14 minutes may be unreimbursed. This exists at the session (total of all procedures) and the procedure level.


Procedures – Click the Add New button to add a new procedure to the session. Once a procedure has been added it may be modified or deleted. The following fields exist for each procedure added to the session.

o Procedure Code – This is a procedure that was used for the session and indicates to the funding source what service was rendered. If an authorization was selected on the appointment, then this value will default to the procedure code from the authorization. At least one procedure with more than 0 units is required to sign-off on a session. If the corresponding funding source for the selected contract has allowable procedures listed, then the session cannot be signed off unless a valid code is selected. If the staff

member record for the selected therapist has one or more code groups applied, then the session cannot be signed off unless the procedure code matches a code in the code group(s).

o Modifier Code – A modifier code may be selected if it is necessary to further explain or modify the procedure code.

o Duration – This is the number of billable minutes that are applied to the procedure and may be used to calculate the number of units (if the procedure has a Minutes per Unit value). It is automatically calculated if Auto-Calculate Units/Duration is selected.

o Units – This is the number of billing units for the procedure. If the selected procedure code has a value for Minutes per Unit, then the Billable Minutes on the session is used to calculate this value. For example, if the session is for 60 minutes (zero Non-Billable Minutes) and the minutes per unit has a value of 15, then the number of units will be automatically set to 4. If the procedure code has a value for Units per Visit, then this number is used regardless of the session duration. If the procedure code does not have a value for Minutes per Unit or Units per Visit, then the number of units must be manually entered in order to sign-off on the session.

o Unreimbursed Minutes - This indicates how many billable minutes from the session have not been used by this procedure in the calculation of the units.