
The settings link contains various tabs for customizing the application. Some tabs may not be available depending upon your permissions. These are user settings (unless noted otherwise), meaning that each user in your practice will need to set this up for themselves if desired. However, if there are practice defaults that should be used, please contact us to have these updated.


This section allows a user to upload their digital signature. It is used when Print Clinical Documentation is clicked from a session and that session is signed-off (the signature of the sign-off user will be on the session print page if available).


This contains the Schedule Settings which are also accessible via the Calendar tab. See the Calendar / Schedule Settings section below for further information.


This contains settings that are applicable to sessions. An option is available to return to the session list after signing off on a session. If this option is not checked (the default), then the user is returned to the session record. Also, the ability to set default values for the activity, progress and impressions are also available.


This contains settings used when entering lesson data in TotalABA. Please see the TotalABA Clinical Documentation for further information.