May 2021 Release

Treatment Goal Graphs by Staff Members

Use this feature to compare Treatment Goal specific data that is collected by various staff members. To access this feature, click on the Graph One Goal button. Then set your graph parameters and check the Compare Staff Members checkbox before running the graph.

Graph Across Multiple Treatment Plans

You can now graph individual goals across multiple Treatment Plans. From the Treatment Plan click on Graph One goal. Leave the Treatment Plan picker blank. You will then see the Treatment Goals for all Treatment Plans in the Treatment Goal picker. Select the appropriate Treatment goal and set all the other parameters. This will allow you to see the data across all of the Students Treatment Plans in one graph.

Setting to Send Time In from Session to PracticeSuite

Some payers now require the Time In and Time Out of the Session(s) to be included on the claim. If this is needed, the system can now automatically send this information through the interface for PracticeSuite users. This will be coming soon for those using Kareo.

The setting can be found on the Funding Source and is named Send Time In/Out to Billing System. Once set you will see the time in and out in the Claim Note/Special Instructions field in PracticeSuite (see screenshot).

This will be placed in the Claim Note (Loop 2300 NTE segment) on the electronic claim.

New Time block creating Timing Setting

This new feature is for those using the Payroll feature. A new practice wide setting has been added under setup named Session Time Block Creation Timing. The setting has 3 options:

  • On Session Creation
  • On Session Approval
  • On Session Sign Off

This setting will allow you the flexibility to determine when the Time Block for payroll is created for Session based time blocks. Prior to this release Time Blocks would be created as soon as the Session was saved. This was true for new Sessions, or for editing Sessions. With the 3 settings you now have these choices:

  • On Session Creation
    The system behaves as it did prior to the release. Time blocks are created and edited upon the saving of a session.
  • On Session Approval

The time blocks are not created until the first Therapist Session Approval is created. Editing a session thereafter will still update the time block.

  • On Session Sign Off

The Time Block is not created until the Session is signed off.

Note that if signing off sessions in bulk, you will not get the warning that time blocks will not be created. Instead, you can run a report to find sessions without time blocks.

New Timesheet Submission Logic

If a Timesheet is Submitted by a staff member, it cannot be submitted again unless it is unlocked by an administrator. This keeps the staff from adjusting their timesheet and then submitting again before the payroll admin knows that it is adjusted.

If a staff member submits their timesheet and then makes a change, it will still change to an Adjusted Status. However, it will not be able to be submitted again unless it is unlocked (if needed).

In order to unlock the timesheet so that they can Submit it again, the Payroll Admin can press the Unlock button from the timesheet. 

More Visibility into Timesheet Edits

When a timesheet is modified after submission, there will be more visibility into what has been edited. There will be a new field on the Time Block named Other Comments. If it was edited after the submission it will say Adjusted. This is visible from the Timesheet and can be reported on. This text will be deleted if the Timesheet is submitted again.  

Last Modified Dates show on Time Block list on Timesheet

When viewing a time block, you can now see the last time each time block was modified. This will be part of the time blocks section of the Timesheet.

Locked Pay Period Logic

Prior to this release if a Session was backdated to a locked pay period, it would not create a time block, as locked pay periods cannot be edited. Now it will create a time block in the current pay period if a conflicting time block does not exist in the same place. It will use the created date of the time block instead of the Time block date. It will use the Session times for the time block start and end times.

Note that if this scenario occurs and there is already another time block in that space, it will not create the time block at all since time blocks cannot overlap.

Time blocks are now created when the Session is created via the Multi-Lesson feature

This did not occur prior to this release under the assumption that the session would be edited prior to being submitted. We have been informed that there are scenarios where the session does not get edited and therefore time blocks were not created.

New Timesheet Sharing Logic

Timesheets will automatically be “shared” with the staff member that is assigned to the timesheet even if it was created by someone else.

This fixed a scenario where at times a staff member could not see their own timesheet.

New Warning on Session if Time In and Time Out are the same

This is a new validation warning upon saving the session. You can continue saving if needed.

Approve Button Added to Timesheet

Prior to this release, you had to Approve or Decline from the Timesheet approval section. You can now do this from the Timesheet detail page as well.

Blank Time In/Out on Session

A new setting has been added that will make the session not inherit the time in and time out from the appointment.  The Time In must be entered before saving.

Time Graphs by Minute

Behavior Graphs for Duration that are greater than 60 second will  now graph by Minute on the Y axis as opposed to seconds.