New Features

Schedule Settings & Appointments

“Enable Conflict Checking on Save” may now be controlled by the user in the schedule settings tab. 

  • Feature: A new custom User setting has been added under the schedule tab called “Enable Conflict Checking on Save”.  If a user checks this, conflict checking will occur when an appointment is saved. If unchecked, the user will still have the ability to do conflict checking by pressing the “Check Conflicts” button on the appointment form.

A new section called existing conflicts has been added to the appointment form under the additional information section. This new section contains the “Check Conflicts” button as well as the table of conflicts.

When saving an appointment & conflicts exist, a warning is shown at the top of the screen. The conflicts don’t prevent an appointment from being created. The user can save the appointment even if there are conflicts.


"Delete Zero (null) Observation Lessons on Exit" may now be controlled by the user in the multi-lesson settings.

  • This setting deletes lessons with 0 observations on exiting the Multi-Lesson page to help with baseline data.  When you close the multi-lesson screen, it will delete any lessons (goals) that had 0 observations.