Recurring Appointments

A new appointment may be repeated if desired by checking Recurring Appointment. An existing appointment cannot be turned into a recurring appointment or have its recurrence pattern altered. Furthermore, recurring appointments cannot be dragged & dropped in the calendar unless that Schedule Setting is enabled. Once Recurring Appointment is checked, the following fields will be available.

· Recurrence Pattern

o Every – Enter the how often the appointment should repeat based on the type below:

§ Day(s) – This indicates the appointment will repeat every X number of days. For example, a value of 1 indicates it will repeat every day, while a value of 2 indicates it will repeat every other day.

§ Week(s) – This indicates the appointment will repeat every X number of weeks on the selected days of the week. For example, if you wish to create a recurring appointment every Monday, then enter every 1 week(s) and select Monday. If

it should be every other Monday, then enter every 2 week(s) and select


§ Month(s) – This indicates the appointment will repeat every X months based on the selection of the day of the week within the month. For example, if an appointment should occur on the first Friday of each month, then enter 1 month(s), on the first Friday.

§ Year(s) – This indicates the appointment will repeat every X years.

o From – Enter the date when the recurrence should start. Then choose for if the appointment should repeat for a set amount of occurrences or until to enter a date when the recurrence should stop. The maximum number of occurrences is 100.

· Generate – Click the Generate button once all the recurrence information is entered. This will populate the Recurrence Description and Recurrence Dates fields. This is required in order to save the appointment.

· Recurrence Description – This is a read only field which describes the current recurrence pattern once Generate is clicked.

· Recurrence Dates – This is a read only field that shows each date in the recurrence pattern once

Generate is clicked.

Hint: If there is ever any doubt about which recurrence settings to make, use the Generate button to see the description and dates. You can then confirm that the selections are correct or you can make the necessary changes and regenerate the description and dates.

If the appointment scope is Student (Therapy) and an authorization is selected, then additional validation is automatically performed before the appointment is saved. Specifically, the recurrence dates are checked against the authorization start date, expiration date and remaining minutes/visits to ensure that the appointments will not be created on dates where the authorization is expired. If any of the dates fall in an expiration period, then an error will appear after clicking save explaining the details. Furthermore, a new field named Confine to Authorization will be available that must have a selection made before the appointment can be saved. The options are:

· Yes – Select this value if the appointment recurrence should be limited to the dates where the authorization can still apply. The appointment will not be created for any other dates in the recurrence pattern.

· No – Select this value if the appointment should still be created on the dates outside of the active authorization period. On those dates, there will not be an authorization on the appointment. In other words, an appointment will be created for every recurrence date; however, some of the appointments will not have an authorization.

Once a recurring appointment has been created, it cannot be modified across all the appointments in the recurrence pattern. If it ever needs to be updated (e.g. the start time, assigned to, attendees or duration should be changed), then the best way to handle this is to delete all the appointments in the recurrence pattern then recreate them. Fortunately, this is easy to do. Simply open any appointment in the recurrence pattern and then click the Delete button. Choose the option to delete “This

appointment and all appointments in this recurrence pattern. Then choose “All dates” assuming that the entire recurrence should be deleted, otherwise choose “From mm/dd/yyyy” and beyond where the date is the date of the appointment opened. Finally select to Permanently delete them. More information on deleting appointments can be found below.

Deleting Appointments

The delete button on the appointment will present several different options, depending on the existing appointment conditions. These will determine which appointments are affected.

1. This appointment only – This is the default option. Only this appointment will be canceled or deleted.

2. This appointment and all appointments this recurrence pattern – This only applies if the

appointment was part of a recurrence.

3. This appointment and all appointments this student – This only applies if the appointment has a scope of Student. This option is restricted to specific users. If you require this ability, please contact us.

4. This appointment and all appointments for this assigned to – This option will not be available for appointments with a scope of Student (Non-Therapy). This option is restricted to specific users. If you require this ability, please contact us.

5. This appointment all appointments on this date – This option applies to all appointments on the specified date, regardless of the scope, student or assigned to. This option is restricted to specific users. If you require this ability, please contact us.

If choices 2 through 4 are selected, then the date range must be selected for the deletion. There are two options.

1. From (mm/dd/yyyy) and beyond – Choosing this option will only delete the selected appointments in the first step for the specified date and future dates. Any appointments prior to that date will be unaffected. The date is based on the start date of the current appointment where the Delete button was clicked.

2. All dates – Selecting this option will delete all appointments that are part of the selection (e.g.

all appointments in a recurrence pattern).

3. Specific Dates – Enter the start and end dates of the appointments to be deleted. All appointments with a date that is on or between the dates will be selected.

In all cases, there will be two different actions that can be applied to the selected appointment(s).

1. Flag them as canceled – All appointments affected by the delete action will have their status changed to Canceled. Furthermore, a Cancelation Reason must be selected (the field will appear once this option is selected).

2. Permanently delete them – All appointments affected by the delete action will be removed from the system. This should only be used if the appointments are no longer valid and a history of them is not required.